A special invitation to ambitious personal trainers...

How To Turn Your PT Skills Into a Highly Profitable Business In 12 Weeks or Less – Guaranteed!

Renowned 25-year PT fitness expert reveals PT business-building secrets in this unique one-day workshop.

I want to come right out and tell you something I wouldn’t say to just anybody:

Without even meeting you… you have my immediate and utmost respect


Because after working in the fitness industry for over 25 years, and starting my own fitness business 14 years ago, I’m certain of this about you:

You’re here against the odds. You’ve worked your butt off to get this far in your career. And you’re looking to finally build your own thriving PT business, despite all the challenges we face together in the fitness industry.


I’ll bet that, not so long ago, your dream of becoming a hugely successful PT seemed wonderful and easy… (It sure did to me.)

You may have thought it was just a matter of doing the course and then, equipped with your new qualifications, it’d be a piece of cake.

You’d have stacks of clients all lusting after you for your training.

They’d be so happy, they’d actually rave about you to their friends—all who’d want you to train them too. You’d be knocking clients back with sticks!

Sadly for most, that dream quickly falls apart when they step out into the real world.

Here’s why it’s tough getting ahead in PT.

  • Most PT’s start off unprepared. These days, it’s easy getting your Cert III and IV… but this only graduates you as an officially certified personal trainer. It doesn’t give you the skills for being a particularly good or profitable PT.
  • STEEP competition. The number of registered fitness instructors in Australia over the last 10 years has doubled. In 2015 there were 32,425 and it’s expected to keep growing to over 35,000 by 2019.
  • Good work is hard to find… Only 32% of PT’s are actually employed full time—which means that 68% are employed ‘casually’ or part time.
  • It’s tough to get paid! Average wages for a PT is $27.27 per hour, and only fitness business owners earn more than $50,000 per year. The reported median earnings were $35,984 per year. Very low!
  • High turnover rate. The average PT doesn’t stick around long. As a matter of fact, we’ve got one of the highest turnover rates of any industry in Australia. The lifespan of the average PT is just 2 years—with most others quitting by year 3 or 4.

It’s No Secret - Becoming a Truly Successful PT Takes Courage and Hard Work.

If you’re anything like me, or any of the other hard-working fitness professionals in our industry, your days are probably plagued with problems like:

  •  Having spasmodic appointments with lots of unproductive hours in between.
  •  Getting annoyed by clients who DON’T take your advice seriously (or worse, cancel sessions at a moment’s notice).
  •  Finding gaping holes in your schedule but being unable to fill them.
  •  Not having any free time away from your business.
  •  Feeling trapped because you don’t have good cash flow.
  •  Not having a system for continually attracting new clients when you need them.
  •  Worrying if you answer the phone whether it’ll be a client canceling or someone you owe money.
  •  Worrying about where your next clients are coming from.
  •  Clenching your teeth as you take clients you’d rather not have because you need their money.

These Problems are The Result of a PT Who Has ‘PT Skills’ …But Simply Lacks the Know-How to Turn Their PT Skills Into a Profitable and Sustainable Fitness Business – Long Term.

If this is you, then take heart… because your business doesn’t have to stay this way.

In fact, once armed with the right knowledge of how to build your PT business, you can SOAR up high over those ‘uphill stats’ and elevate yourself to a whole new level of success.

I promise you, the results will be incredibly rewarding.

My Background

Let me quickly share my own personal story.

I got into personal training because of the wonderful transformation it had on me. Being overweight, I finally got sick of being called the “fat kid” in school.

I turned to sports and fitness, transforming not only my body but also my mindset.

The change for me was amazing. With this major personal victory, I realized my future was using fitness to help others achieve the same success.

Twenty-fiveyears in the fitness industry takes you interesting places. Along the way, I worked the gym floor for 10 years… finally breaking into health club management in 1997.

During that time I saw the gap between what fitness education PT’s were receiving and what the ‘real world’ needs.

I chose to take the frightening leap from a comfortable salary job to building a business for fitness education in 2003.

Today I run Career Fitness in Melbourne and have been dubbed “The Personal Trainer’s Business Trainer” by my clients.

Now on our 15th year, I enjoy working with some of the most respected names in the fitness industry across Australia.

Once you’ve reached the top, you’ll look back and see the people you started out with… probably still working in the ‘safe salary’ jobs they’re unhappy with each day. 

The Smart and Easy Way to Build an Ongoing Successful PT Business, Even If You Have Little to No Marketing Experience

Did you know there are key ways you can fast-track your business success? All you need is the right attitude and a little help.

Whenever I talk to other leaders in the fitness industry today, I always ask them what they’d do differently if they could reverse time and ‘do it again’.

Take a guess what their universal answer is.

You got it - they wish they would’ve sought help from a PT business coach [sooner].

I too know that if I’d received help from successful PT’s, I would’ve fast-forwarded the success of my business TEN-FOLD and more.

With today’s information and access to help, there’s no need to reinvent the wheel.

It’s simple - the faster you apply the proven fundamentals of running a PT business, the faster you’ll start enjoying the many rewards that a successful PT business brings.

Lean in close…

Imagine operating a PT business that not only continues to grow – but continues to THRIVE.

Imagine the sense of security you’ll feel knowing your PT business develops a bigger client following, higher profits and overall market dominance.

The truth is, such an outcome is not that hard to achieve. As a matter of fact, it’s quite easy once you know exactly what’s required.

All you need is a proven blueprint that reveals the steps and methods required to catapult your PT business into a highly profitable PT business… and keep it there.

To help you transform your PT business, I’ve put together…

“Career Fitness
Business Bootcamp 2021”

The Premier Australian Event Dedicated Exclusively to Taking your Fitness Business from Ordinary to Extraordinary- Fast!

Career Fitness’s Business Bootcamp 2021 is a comprehensive one-day workshop designed to give you all the critical secrets you need to make your PT business boom.

This bootcamp has no ‘filler’ whatsoever. We spend the whole day sharing key insights you can implement and see returns on immediately.

It’s the only event of its kind, and by attending you’ll discover the secrets of the best strategies and systems guaranteed to accelerate your business success within 90 days. Guaranteed!

Business Bootcamp 2021 is a full-day event where two of Australia’s straight-talking, no B/S experts will give you a street smart, practical, proven-to-work 90-day plan that will take your business where you want it to go.

Benefits of Attending

“Career Fitness Business Bootcamp 2021”

Session 1 & 2:

Become THE ‘Go To’ PT in Your Area (with Aaron Whear)

In the first exciting and inspirational two sessions, you’ll discover how to set yourself up to become the ‘go to’ trainer in your local market.

You’ll get ‘chapter and verse’ on the systems to build, the service to deliver, and the steps to retain a very profitable client base of enthusiastic and committed clients who become your raving fans.

Session summary;

  • Create your own ‘client rush’ - Actionable strategies to ensure your calendar is filled… leaving no empty spaces or unwanted downtime!
  • Start saving HEAPS of time (and money) when you avoid these 3 little mistakes that even experienced PT’s make.
  • Your easy, no-brain marketing plan that REALLY works for PT’s.
  • Currently only 1 out of every 10 leads for most PT’s come from social media. I’ll teach you how to up this number in your business with a highly effective 4-hour social media week to get you brand in front of millions of eyes… and get them clicking too! (No need to be a techie nerd here—even I can use these strategies.)
  • The right services to deliver bigger profits and less work.
  • The exact systems to set up in your PT business (and how to)
  • Don’t be a table standing on one leg. Discover how to grow MULTIPLE income streams… to earn up to 6-figures or more per year. (You’ll sleep MUCH better at night once you get started on this.)
  • On average 40% of clients stop using PT’s because of cost. Learn how to get your clients excited about your prices—and even how to RAISE your prices… without losing a single one!
  • An estimated 33% of the average PT’s clients come by word-of-mouth referral. I’ll teach you how to significantly raise this number with a simple referral system that quickly puts new qualified leads into your business.
  • How to unearth a mega-fortune of potential income using my simple follow-up system with your prospects (converts like gangbusters!)
  • Develop a sales system that actually FITS your personality. Feel like you’re not ‘you’ when you’re selling? You know sales are the lifeblood of your business… But how about selling to your prospects in a way suited to your personal strengths… letting your ‘natural self’ shine through?
  • Did you know: It’s six times MORE effort to acquire a new customer than market to an existing one? I’ll teach you the 3 most important steps to retaining your clients for the long-term—letting you ‘ring the cash register’ with a high customer lifetime value.

I hope your PT-business-brain is warming up, because you’re going to get a lot of tested material sure to ensure your business succeeds.

But of course, that’s not all…

Session 3:

How To Run A Truly Profitable Group Training Model (with Brad Mickelssen) 

Melbourne-based Brad Mickelssen is a 7-year fitness vet who’ll give you an honest, no-holds-barred account of how to succeed as a group based trainer. He’s done it all:

  • He has 7 years experience as trainer and has personally conducted more than 15,000 PT sessions. This experience has taught him a thing or two about how to get awesome results for his clients.
  • In addition to his Bachelor of Applied Sports Science, Brad has spent over $120,000 on his own business and practical education. This investment has taught him the skills that have made his business so profitable and now he is willing to share what he has learned with you.
  • His business “Strong Life” currently employs 4 full time trainers and is growing at such a rapid rate that he will soon be employing more.
  • Brad has successfully implemented a high end Semi Private Training Model.
  • Currently his business is making more than $10,000 per week!

Here’s a taste of what he’ll deliver:

  • How to grow your group training business to the point where it is making more than $10,000 per week - a figure that keeps groing daily!
  • 5 key points to learn about your clients to KEEP them coming back to you.
  • 3 easy steps to ensure you’ve fully engaged your client each session… so they walk away empowered and ready to come back to you again and again.



And as my way of saying ‘thank-you’, when you register TODAY, you’ll also get these 3 special bonuses - worth almost $499, which have NEVER been offered before.

These bonuses will arm you with even more tools to transform your PT business into that profit-generating business you’ve always wanted.

BONUS #1: “How to Turn Your Personal Training Business into a Money-Making Machine” (Retail Value $99)…

This jam-packed, 5-hour recording of a recent exclusive live event I hosted with renowned Australian marketing ‘guru’ Winston Marsh, digs deeper into the marketing secrets behind the most successful PT businesses in Australia. This shares how they position themselves for enormous profits. 

  • Finally revealed! The secrets to turning freebie sessions into cold hard cash immediately.
  • How to easily fill blank spaces in your appointment diary and eliminate unproductive hours.
  • Discover what’s wrong with your business card and how to make it work its butt off for you.
  • How to avoid the silly mistakes that nearly ALL Personal Trainer make that cost them heaps of money and lots of time.
  • How to get Facebook, LinkedIn and other social media working gangbusters for you.
  • How to get ALL your business close to your studio or home!
  • Why and how to love your clients to death every month so they stay on track, keep coming back and refer their friends
  • How you can arrange your business to have multiple income streams to earn 6-figures plus income.
  • Know the critical secrets to turning what people need into what they are desperate to buy.
  • Very effective ways to use your advertising dollars in ways that really work rather than expensive, wishy-washy, useless advertising floss.
  • Great ideas including a very effective formula for writing powerful response generating advertisements.
  • The best ways to build referral mechanisms that produce a bonanza of business.
  • How to build and manage three incredible black boxes that virtually guarantee you an endless supply of prospects.
  • Low cost, big results marketing tricks of the trade, ideas and approaches that have created legendary results and stacks of businesses.
  • The 4 incredibly important things you must have on your website to absolutely ensure that it works for you. Ignore them at your own peril!
  • How to get social media working for you... like half a million dollars of sales in just 10 days.
  • How an Italian economist’s little known secrets can increase your business by up to a staggering 800 percent!
  • The 3 questions you must ask all potential new clients before you even agree to take their money... don’t take it if they give you these answers.
  • How “forced isolation” can revitalise both your business and your life.
  • Use these powerful “Five Golden Rules” to create an “eyeball sucking” website that will get prospects hot to sign up with you.
  • Why and how to keep score in your business to maximise profits.

Plus, you’ll receive a FREE personalized hardcopy of the 141-page workbook packed with all the information and necessary steps you need to take action.

This program alone is like having an extensive private one-on-session from me in your business - one you can maximize by playing and replaying to absorb each invaluable nugget as many times as you want!

BONUS #2: Your Very Own Personal ‘Bulletproofing’ Session With Financial Expert Steve Miller (Retail Value $150)…

During his exclusive content-filled session, you’re going to walk away with all of Steve’s secrets that he revealed at the workshop for protecting your business from financial risk… but in this bonus, we’re taking it one step further.

Earlier I mentioned how I stumbled into getting guidance from Steve and he opened my eyes to how I could immediately implement and save more than $30,000 in my business - while also protecting my wife Simone and our children from dangerous risks.

After waking up to the importance of financial security in my own business, I’ve been adamant about helping other PT’s understand this and take similar proactive measures (before it’s too late and you’ve got to pay).

Now, as CEO of his own company, Steve doesn’t have the luxury of a lot of free time, so I had to twist Steve’s arm a little…

Luckily, he’s agreed to sit down with all attendees of Business Bootcamp 2020 and give you a personal ‘Bulletproofing’ session.

This means Steve will sit down individually with you and… after a brief Q&A to understand your business, he’ll offer tailored solutions to your problems that you can implement tomorrow - saving (and making) you thousands of dollars immediately.

BONUS #3: ‘Rent Aaron’s Brain’—One-on-One Private PT Business Consultation with Aaron Whear (Retail Value $250)

Your opportunity to channel ‘my brain’—and 25 years of expertise in the fitness industry—directly into your business. During this special one-hour private consultation we’ll cover any critical success factors needed to boost your performance to the ‘next level’. And if you like, we’ll take the secrets and strategies I teach at the Bootcamp and apply them one-by-one to your unique PT business.

In my consultation, we’ll dig down into the nitty-gritty of your PT business with topics like:

  • Perfecting a sales system that maximizes your ROI (and focuses on converting more leads into paying customers)
  • “Lifting the Fog”—My secret technique to giving you perfect clarity in your business goals  
  • Building a system blueprint to generate an endless stream of new clients
  • “Paging Doctor Whear”—With surgical precision, I’ll dissect your PT business to uncover hidden areas blocking your progress (and prescribe custom solutions for a ‘healthy recovery’)
  • Need more free time? I’ll dive into your calendar to show you how to structure your working week correctly. Get more done faster, and enjoy time off without sacrificing income. (This method has been a game-changer for almost everyone I’ve shard it with.)

The Total Retail Value of These Three Exclusive Bonuses is $499, but These Are My Gifts to You Free When You Register for Business Bootcamp Today!

Since you’ve read this far, I’m certain of one thing: you are a PT committed to building your fitness business.

… And it’s why I want to make this opportunity one that you absolutely cannot afford to miss!

Hey, I know the content delivered in Business Bootcamp 2021will absolutely help any serious PT turn their skills into a highly profitable business in just 12 weeks or less.

For this reason, if you act now I’ll make sure you receive admission to the Business Bootcamp 2021 for a special 33% discount.

Business Bootcamp 2021: (valued at $399) - $269

Session 1 & 2: Become THE ‘Go To’ PT in Your Area (with Aaron Whear)

Session 3: How To Run A Truly Profitable Group Training Model (with Brad Mickelssen) 

Exclusive Bonuses: (valued at $499) - FREE

4-part Audio Program, “How to Turn Your Business into a Money Making Machine”… (valued at $99)

Private One-on-One Bulletproofing Session with Steve Miller … (valued at $150)

“Rent Aaron’s Brain” Consultation with Aaron Whear… (valued at $250)


Don’t forget you’ll receive 7 CEC’s for attending this course!

Total value = $898

Your special one-time-price = $269

(72% discount)

100% Money Back Guarantee!

 Attend Business Bootcamp this October 10th

with absolutely no risk for 90 days…

Come to Business Bootcamp. Take home our business building strategies and secrets.

Then implement them and see first-hand’ how they can help transform your fitness business into a profit-making machine.

If at any time during the next 90 days you’re not completely satisfied with the improvements to your business, then I INSIST you ask for a 100% ‘no question asked money back refund’.

That’s how confident I am of the content and ideas you’ll discover. You’re going to start seeing an immediate positive change in your PT business right after you start implementing our strategies.

There will never be a better time for you to position your fitness business for success.

Will there be a Business Bootcamp 2022?


But you won’t get the invaluable information delivered by this year’s guests…

And I won’t be able to offer you nearly $499 in exclusive bonuses…

The exclusive offer on this page is a ONE-OFF!

By far the MOST important result of you not taking immediate action means the success of your fitness business falls yet another year behind.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned to be totally true in this industry, it’s this: later means NEVER.

If you can’t prioritize the success of your business then the sad truth is that it’s only going to get tougher and more difficult.

In all honesty - you’re going to be in high danger of becoming just another ‘dropout PT’ in the fitness industry… another PT that gave up on their dream of a successful fitness business, retreating back to an old employee day job.

I’m only talking from my 25 years of experience. Please don’t let that happen to you.

Take a positive step in realizing your dreams for your fitness business.

Seize This Opportunity Today and Register for

Business Bootcamp 2021 Now!

All you have to do to join other smart PT’s and take charge of your business once-and-for all is click the register link below!

After that, you’ll be taken straight to the easy check-out page to complete registration.

Here’s What Other PT’s are Saying about this Fantastic Program!

“Wow! I learned more about running my fitness business in a day than I had ever learned before. Now I am making serious money in a real personal training business.”

- Daniela Accary, Owner of Second Nature Fitness

“Structures, systems, marketing—Aaron can help with it all, regardless of your experience in the industry. Definite returns on your investment!”

- Tim Diegan, Body Seek Personal Training

“Listening to these guys is the best investment in my business I have ever made.”

- Laska Varkaris, Owner of Dynamic Boxing Fitness

“This is what I needed to turn my fitness business into a money-making machine and best of all I am doing it.”

- Paul Gloury, Owner of Make Me Do It Personal Training

If you’re serious about improving your PT business then you and I share the same goals—and I’m confident that we’ll become long term friends.

And as a trusted PT-peer traveling the same journey I am, I truly want you to succeed and to transform your business into a stable, successful money-making machine.

Join me in Melbourne on June 6th. I look forward to meeting you face-to-face sharing with you the secrets to turn your business into a money-making machine faster than you can imagine.


Aaron Whear

Founder and CEO of Career Fitness

P.S. Finally fed up with watching your dreams for a successful PT business slip through your fingers? Business Bootcamp gives you the proven secrets to turning your PT business into a highly profitable business – fast!

P.P.S. There’s absolutely NO RISK at all for you in attending Business Bootcamp 2021. If you aren’t convinced that the secrets you discover for getting more customers isn’t working in your business in 90 days, simply let us know and we’ll refund your payment immediately.

P.P.P.S. Apply now to claim your spot and take full advantage of this special opportunity! Once all 45 seats are filled we’ll be closing the doors to this event and won’t be able to offer these profit-generating secrets to you for another year (or longer)! Register now on this link here!


VFA Learning
Level 3, 131 Queen Street
Melbourne, VIC 

Course Date: 
Sunday, October 24, 2027 - 09:00 to 17:00
Course Presenter: 
Aaron Whear, Steve Miller
7 CECs